Training System.
All the training curriculum and syllabus of TTTI are followed according to the instructions of BTEB and SEIP. Practical classes have been given maximum importance along with theoretical lessons, so that, students achieve basic skill as well as special skill. The system which is followed to impart training is as under :
# Lecture
# Demonstration
# Assignment
# Practical exercise
# Audiovisual aid
# Educational/training visit
Specialties of TTTI.
The specialties of TTTI which makes it different from others are:
# TTTI is an institute where maximum emphasis is given on imparting lessons to the students. Thus, due importance is given on qualities and number of instructors and teaching staffs. The student instructor ratio is strictly maintained i.e. for BTEB Courses 15:1,for WB and ADB sponsored courses 10:1.
# It is a self-sufficient training institute which has got separate academic building, independent class room for each trade, practical class room equipped with modern equipment. It has also got a huge library comprising of few thousands books on different trades for the students and also reference books for the instructors.
# TTTI has got an exclusive internal and external driving track for driving practice of the students of driving cum auto mechanics course. It has also got adequate number of different types of transport for imparting practical lessons on driving. TTTI has developed a driving village for the students of driving cum auto mechanics course where they will come across all types of road/traffic sign and symbols, road markings, and different types of obstacles while carrying out. It is only one of its kind in Bangladesh.
# It has got a big Multi-purpose hall where different functions can be organized.
# The institute has got a residential complex of 700 persons along with catering facilities. All indoor and outdoor recreational facilities are available for the students and staffs of this institute.