Regular Courses Under BTEB:
* TTTI runs 02 (Two) regular sessions in a year. As per the instruction of BTEB the sessions are from 01 January to 30 June and 01 July to 31 December. Admission for January-June session is completed by December of previous year and admission of July-December is completed by June. Student can complete their admission in advance. Admission facilities can also be availed through online system.
Other Courses Run by ADB, WB and Different Organizations:
* These courses are run as per the schedule and convenience of the respective organizations. Thus, the schedule for admission depends on those organizations. The schedules are found in the notice board.
Selection of Trainees.
* Students are selected from the applicants who submit their application after seeing the advertisement published in national dailies. Educational requirements of students vary from course to course. Students passed in S.S.C or equivalents are given preference for admission in the courses. However, students qualified in class 8 (Eight) standard or equivalents are eligible to take part in the courses.
Admission Procedures:
* Students are required to fill up the admission form by themselves and submit to admission office in due time. The authority reserves the right to terminate the admission / take action against any student on disciplinary ground. For details of admission procedure see our website- //