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An introduction to Trust Technical Training Institute (TTTI)


Bangladesh like many other third-world and developing countries has abundance of uneducated and unemployed population. A very less percentage of the population of our country is educated in terms of technical and formal education. Even the most of the so-called educated people have crossed only the first step and are capable of signing their names only. Approximately 2.5 million new young people mostly without any technical knowledge are entering into the job market every year and this is likely to continue for next few decades. All these people need further training and develop their skills to be employed anywhere. Bangladesh Army is also not out of that environment.  Most of the soldiers who are retiring or going to retire in the near future from the service are also not technically qualified. Every year a huge number of such persons are retiring from the service and unable to make any headway in their post-retirement career. All these civil and army personnel are part of our society and needs to be addressed properly, so that, they acquire required knowledge and skills and can contribute to their future employment, which will help their family, society, and the nation as well. Keeping this in mind, Bangladesh Army has decided to establish a technical training institute named as Trust Technical Training Institute (TTTI) to train both the civil and army personnel on different technical trades. So that, these people are capable of being employed at home and abroad as a technical person or going for small entrepreneurship. This institution is run by Bangladesh Army (Army Welfare Trust-AWT) and Governed by a Board of Directors. The institute has started its journey on 01 June 2009. It is a non-profitable, welfare-oriented organization.

Latest News

All latest News of Trust Technical Training Institute (TTTI)


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Visit by Ambassador of Italy to TTTI

His Excellency Enrico Nunziata, Ambassador, Embassy of Italy in Bangladesh, visited Trust Technical Training Institute (TTTI) on 16th September....


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Ambassador of Viet Nam Visits TTTI.

Ambassador of Viet Nam HE Mr. Tran Van Khoa, Ambassador, Embassy of the S R of Viet Nam in....


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Visit of Her Excellency Ms Aishath Shan Shakir, Abmassador, Embassy of the Republic of Maldives in TTTI.

Her Excellency Ms Aishath Shan Shakir, Ambassador, Embassy ofthe Republic of Maldives in Bangladesh along with....


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Maj Gen Md Enayet Ullah, BSP, ndu, psc, Adjutant General visited Trust Technical Training Institute (TTTI),

Maj Gen Md Enayet Ullah, BSP, ndu, psc, Adjutant Generalvisited Trust Technical Training Institute (TTTI), Savar Cantonment on....


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visit By Founder of Hightech Corporation and Hyperlink Skills Business Cooperation Association

We are very happy that Tomohiro Yoshida, Founder of Hightech Corporation and Hyperlink Skills  Business Cooperation Association,....

Approach Towards Training

Our approach towards training is to ensure the development of technical skills and human resources in a professional manner. TTTI is a full-fledged technical training institute which provides training to develop skills on different technical trades and language proficiency. Highly trained and skilled persons who are experienced in their own field conduct the training. The training module is followed as per the guideline of the Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB), Ministry of Education, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and Bureau of Manpower Export and Training (BMET), Ministry of Expatriate Welfare and Overseas Employment, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh and Skills for Employment Investment Program (SEIP) sponsored by ADB.

Trainees undergo series of lectures to provide sound foundation on the theoretical aspect which is followed by practical lessons. They are tested about their performance in theoretical and practical classes. Their daily and weekly performances retested, maintained, and recorded in database. 




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Notice From TTTI .Here will be the Description


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Notice From TTTI .Here will be the Description


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Notice From TTTI .Here will be the Description


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Notice From TTTI .Here will be the Description


Maj Gen Md Enayet Ullah, BSP, ndu, psc, Adjutant General visited Trust Technical Training Institute (TTTI),

Maj Gen Md Enayet Ullah, BSP, ndu, psc, Adjutant Generalvisited Trust Technical Training Institute (TTTI), Savar Cantonment....


Brig Gen Md Omar Faruque

ndc, afwc, psc, MPhil(Retd) MD, TORA & Director, TTTI

Message from the Director

I am delighted to introduce Trust Technical Training Institute (TTTI), which is a trusted and faithful name in the field of technical training. The institute runs with an efficient and experienced teaching staffs that have got vast experience in their respective discipline. TTTI thrives for excellence and produce the best possible technical persons and deliver service to our valuable employers at home and abroad. Professional attitude, skilled human resources, and strong client base are our motivating factors towards achieving success. TTTI is working hard to train workers as per the standard of any employer at home and abroad through our efficient teaching staffs and Instructors. We are striving to become the signature brand technical training institute in the country. The esteemed position TTTI held today bears the testimony to the measure of success the institution has been able to achieve over the years in this field of technical training.

I am extremely happy to be associated with such an organization. Wish the continued success of TTTI.

OUR Gallery

All latest Images of Trust Technical Training Institute (TTTI)


Meeting of BOD, TTTI


Opening Ceremony of TTTI


Ambassador of Maldive, Visit TTTI

Institute Campus


Office Complex


Campus Complex